The JCYC Educational Talent Search is a TRIO program that has been funded by the U.S. Department of Education since 1979. JCYC ETS identifies, selects and assists low-income youth ages 11 and older that have the potential to be the first generation in their family to attend college. Our program is committed to creating supportive relationships with students and providing safe environments for students to grow academically and personally.
Traditionally, the majority of Talent Search programs throughout the nation have been housed on university and college campuses. JCYC ETS has the unique distinction of being one of the few Talent Search programs to be located at a non-profit, community-based organization (CBO).
Traditionally, the majority of Talent Search programs throughout the nation have been housed on university and college campuses. JCYC ETS has the unique distinction of being one of the few Talent Search programs to be located at a non-profit, community-based organization (CBO).
ETS Middle School programming introduces further education and potential career paths as early as the sixth grade. Students have the opportunity to attend educational field trips and workshops, and tutoring sessions led by middle school educational advisors and tutors.
ETS High School participants attend college preparation workshops led by our high school educational advisors. Advisors cover a wide range of topics from financial aid to personal statement writing and organize college campus tours for students!

SF Cal-SOAP, the California Student Opportunity and Access Program, is a state-funded program known as that strives to provide culturally competent, comprehensive college preparation information and assistance.
SF Cal-SOAP works closely with local school districts and higher education institutions to provide students from low-income or disadvantaged backgrounds the college access advising and financial aid information they need to prepare for college.
SF Cal-SOAP works closely with local school districts and higher education institutions to provide students from low-income or disadvantaged backgrounds the college access advising and financial aid information they need to prepare for college.
SF Cal-SOAP HS students have the opportunity to attend college campus tours and workshops geared towards college preparation. SF Cal-SOAP advisors are also full-time / part-time college students which allows for students and advisors to connect on a new level.

JCYC Upward Bound program strives to create a harmonious, multicultural, educational community of students with great potential who demonstrate a strong desire to acquire higher education. JCYC Upward Bound program provides our students and staff with a sense of belonging, pride, and personal responsibility; a deep commitment to give back to the larger community.
Our educational community provides curriculum opportunities for academic accomplishment, for self-governance, for individual and group empowerment as well as for personal and cultural growth.
Our educational community provides curriculum opportunities for academic accomplishment, for self-governance, for individual and group empowerment as well as for personal and cultural growth.
Upward Bound students receive individualized academic and college advising as well as tutoring at their school site. Additionally, they go on field trips, attend workshops, and participate in enrichment activities designed to foster self-confidence and improve school skills.